Pollo con basilico e ginger
Cucinato con basilico, zenzero, salsa di soia, zucchero di canna e olio di sesamo.
Risotto zenzero e basilico
Risotto mantecato con burro al basilico,
gel di zenzero e rognone.
Torta al basilico
e zenzero
Piadina cinese con manzo o maiale, cipolla, zenzero, basilico e sesamo.
Guabao con crocchette di patate e gambero al profumo di zenzero, insalata, carote e salsa speciale al basilico.
gelato zenzero
ve basilico
Due gusti di gelato a base fiordilatte:
1. variegato con crostata, limone e zenzero
2. variegato limone e basilico
Basil Ginger Lemon Tea
Fruit tea al gusto di zenzero e limone,
con topping di crema al basilico.
Delicato bilanciamento di basilico fresco di Albenga e
zenzero fresco di origine cinese.
pizza sarpi
La storica pizza da Giuliano in una versione speciale
con radicchio, zenzero e basilico.
plateau del re
Degustazione di formaggi con gelato gastronomico e composta di mandarino allo zenzero, Parmigiano Reggiano 72 mesi con Evo al basilico e petali di basilico fresco, Roquefort aoc con prugna ripiena alle mele, scorzetta di arancio e polvere di speck
sangria artistica
Sangria rivisitata in chiave artistica con infusione di zenzero e basilico.
al basilico
e zenzero
Biscotti al meraviglioso profumo di basilico e gusto intenso di zenzero, un tocco aromatico originale e piacevole.
Bingsu alL’ananas con zenzero
e basilico
Bingsu all’ananas, accompagnato da pesto di basilico e sciroppo allo zenzero self-made.
Via Paolo Sarpi, Milan.
15 — 21 April, 2024
Zenzero & Basilico is the first edition of the food & drink contest launched by the Zona Sarpi platform, aimed at restaurants and bars in Milan's Sarpi district.
(CN) 姜与罗勒大赛是由 Zona Sarpi 平台推出的首届餐饮类竞赛活动,面向米兰华人街区域内的所有餐饮场所。
The Zenzero&Basilico contest aimed to connect two typical ingredients from the culinary traditions most present in Milan’s Sarpi district—China and Italy—by uniting them in a single recipe, whether a dish or a cocktail.
Restaurants and bars participating in the contest presented their own interpretations of the edition’s key ingredients, ginger and basil, through a dish—sweet or savory—a drink, or any other gastronomic creation. The competing recipes were offered as special menu items in the participating venues, highlighted on the Zona Sarpi map, during Design Week 2024.
Residents and visitors were invited to taste the proposed recipes and later vote for them on the zonasarpi.com website, on the page dedicated to Zenzero&Basilico.
The initiative encouraged both the public and restaurateurs to experiment with the fusion of Chinese and Italian traditions, creating new experiences and flavors. The competition also provided an opportunity for chefs and mixologists to challenge themselves while engaging new customers and sparking curiosity among regular patrons.
Milan’s historic Chinatown, a hub of culture and creativity, was transformed during MDW 2024. Via Sarpi hosted urban design experiments by independent designers, showcased in shop windows alongside galleries.
With the Centro Culturale Cinese at its core, ZONA SARPI unveiled a fresh new look.
During MDW 2024, Fabbrica del Vapore hosted Changes! by ZONA SARPI, a research and experimental space for Chinese design. Universities, cities, design weeks, and designers showcased cutting-edge work in urban renewal, eco-design, lifestyle, new materials, and more.
During MDW 2024 at the ADI Design Museum, ZONA SARPI hosted cutting-edge design talks and a curated selection of designers, bridging Chinese and Italian design cultures. This platform fosted new forms of communication, uniting Milan, the design capital, with ZONA SARPI, shaping an innovative dialogue between two rich creative traditions.
ZONA SARPI IS A PROJECT ● APPROVed by — Milan Municipal Government ● art director — Michele Brunello | Luca Fois ● SUPPORTING UNIT — Cultural Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Italy, Economic and Commercial Office of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Milan ● INITIATORS — Luca Fois | Michele Brunello | Chen Dongliang | Wang Yu Dong | Vittorio Sun Qun | Lin Cunzhen | Hu Kun | Angela Zhou | Marco Grattarola | Camilla Fraboni ● INITIATING ORGANIZATIONS — World Design Weeks (WDW) | International Council of Design (ICoD) | Camera di Commercio Cinese in Italia | Beijing Industrial Design Promotion Organization | Beijing Design Week | Shanghai Design Week | Shenzhen Design Week | Chengdu Design Week | Hainan Design Week | Hainan International Cultural and Creative Week | W'ECO DESIGN FESTIVAL | Beijing Gongxin International technology Development Co.,LTD ● HOST — Milan China Design Center ● CO-HOST — Beijing Design Week ● EXCLUSIVE OFFICIAL OPERATING AGENCY — BEIJING KEYI ● CO-ORGANIZERS — DONTSTOP Architettura | The Playful Living® | Milan Huaxia Group | Milan Huaxia Cultural Association | Associazione Cinese a Milano | Slow Food Great China | China International Ecological Economy Promotion Association | Giuseppe Scarri ● VISUAL & COMMUNICATION — Elvira Zhao | Jane Dai | Ezgi Deniz Ergin